Wonders of the Amazon

New 7 natural Wonders… !

We are all so trilled because the Amazon Rainforest has been nominated as one of the 28 sites that will continue in this quest of being nominated to one of the 7 New Natural Wonders.

We know the world is full of beautiful places, stunning sites, surprising natural heritage, but something very important also is… Awareness of it… how we want this natural wonders to be known and seen… How we want them to be preserved to the future… How we want them to be seen in 50 and 100 years from now… as they are today?… Or better. we need this to be known, we need to understand that we people are the only one who can make the difference… let´s all get involved, a little if we can… A lot if we can also…

Bernard Weber, a Swiss-born Canadian filmmaker, author and adventurer, wanted to contribute to the protection of the world’s manmade and natural heritage. This led him to the formation of the New 7 Wonder Foundation in 2001. The Foundation contributes to the protection and raising the awareness of cultural & natural diversity on our planet.

An expert panel has just nominated 28 sites including the Amazon Rainforest, the Grand Canyon, de Dead Sea, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the Galapagos Islands, the Kilimanjaro, the Matterhorn, Angel Waterfall, Sundarbans delta at the mouth of the Ganges River, among others by the votes all of us once did… now is time again to continue this quest to find the finalists sites…

Please vote, vote for the ones you think are the most stunning, but first think also which of them requires more attention to be preserved, actually all of them need that, but which of them brings more benefits for the entire world… think about the importance of the Amazon.

The Amazon rainforest is the most diverse terrestrial ecosystem on the planet. Despite covering only approximately 6% of the Earth’s surface, it is home to more varieties of plants and animals than any other place on Earth. This astounding level of biodiversity has already shaped the course of human history in a variety of ways, such as providing the first cure for malaria, and the first source of rubber, which helped fuel the industrial revolution. Yet only a small fraction of the species in the Amazon has been examined for their potential benefits to humankind.

Sites are stunning…time has stood still… fables interact with reality… It’s so full of mysterious things that makes your dreams fly away… is a place that you have to experience at its best…