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Protecting Amazon River Dolphins: Prodelphinus and Delfin Cruise Collaboration

An Alliance for Conservation along the Amazon's Mighty Waters by Mira Guerra Garcia Novak, Prodelphinus intern. At Prodelphinus, we have established an agreement with Delfin Amazon Cruises with the objective…
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July 29, 2021
Legends of the Amazon: The Story of Pacaya Samiria
Legends of the Amazon: The Story of Pacaya Samiria
Behind every true legend there is always a love story. For the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, it is no different. Our tale begins many centuries ago, before the villages and…
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July 26, 2021
Travel Diary: My Delfin Amazon Cruises Experience
Travel Diary: My Delfin Amazon Cruises Experience
As a long time traveler, my journey has been filled with new and exciting experiences. One day, I found myself in the middle of a colorful market in Oaxaca (Mexico)…
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July 26, 2021
Fish in the Amazon
Fish in the Amazon
The Amazon Rainforest ecosystem is rich and biodiverse, from the tree tops to the dark mysterious waters, the Amazon thrives with life. Consequently, the Amazon river presence in the natural…
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July 26, 2021
Wellness Experience Aboard the Delfin III Amazon Cruise
Wellness Experience Aboard the Delfin III Amazon Cruise
Wellness is more important now than ever. Getting in tune with your body and mind is the ultimate luxury. Delfin Amazon Cruises is thrilled to announce that we are hosting…
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